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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Wishlist - Item #3

So i was planning to do my wish list one post a day for the rest of February, but, since i missed the first couple of weeks of February, you'll forgive me for doing two posts a day occasionally. And today shall be the first multiple wish list post days.. (if that made any sense what so ever...:S)

Love this dress for Spring. Topshop £46.00
Now i don't usually buy anything from Topshop because of the price, but i really love this dress, so may consider it. Or, may just either make my own or find a cheaper solution. if anyone knows a cheaper alternative - leave comments!

P.S. I think they would go great with the boots from wish list item #2! It may be a weird combo to some, but i know I'll end up trudging in mud, even in the summer, and so boots shall go perfectly for the cooler days..
For the warmer days... Toms...


  1. love love love this dress!check out my Giveaway kisses La Folie 

  2. //hahaw, no, its not weird! I love them too :D its like small hands <3 You would have loved them even more if you could feel how soft they are :3 xo

    1. it's so cute how his tongue is always sticking out in all the pictures! he definitely poses hehe <3

  3. love the dress

    Neat post and love your blog... would you like to follow each other!

    My Lyfe ; My Story

  4. Wow the dress is awesome! Love the flower print! Looks really great!

    Hope you visit me on my Blog
