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Saturday, 10 March 2012

New camera and business cards!

So i got a new camera! A fujifilm DSLR to be exact, as a very kind gift from my parents for easter (because my birthday is two weeks before christmas i usually get a large easter gift rather than chocolate from my parents)

I also went to moo.com and ordered a sample of some business cards for my blog, which i will hopefully be able to give out if i get invited to any events. (fingers crossed)

I started my first day as a volunteer yesterday! (friday) and today was my second day and i'm rather k-nackered, but i'm sure i'll adjust :D
hope everyone had a fabulous weekend :D


  1. heey nice blog :)
    would you like to follow each other?


    1. thanks for your comment :D i'd happily follow each other :D xox
